Sunday 16 February 2014

Week Four/Five Timelog

Now that I have fully understood the brief and have decided on my chosen idea it is now time for me to begin my in-depth research into the idea covering all forms of research into the brand, the style the brand work in, the knowledge i have on the brand already, ways in which the brand can improve, floristry, the target customer, the typical flower consumers of today and look briefly into competitors.

By the end of this week my aim is to have understood each of my consumers on a personal level and try and begin placing a customer profile board together. This will be for the core, primary consumers, the secondary, admiration consumers and the thirdiary consumers. This will involve me breaking each one up and creating a stereotype from this, this will indicate their everyday lives, showing their disposable income and supporting how they can afford what they can with the jobs they have. This will also portray who is most likely to use this service and identify how regularly this will be used by each consumer.

From this, i will then have indicated who my target audience is and will be able to produce forms of promotion that target this specific audience. This will then allow me to make a heads start on my written report which all links together supporting how important it is in finding out who my consumers are.

This is my plan for the week:

  • Get proposal confirmed
  • Plan out target customers
  • Research more into this unique flower service
  • Look into Selfridges as a brand and support why there is room in the market for this product area.
  • Competitors
  • Florist Industry
  • Survey Analysis

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