Tuesday 25 February 2014

Bloom Magazine Research

Bloom magazine is a lifestyle and culture magazine that holds strong imagery of all products that a home based. These help to emphasise the environmental feel within society. These are placed in exciting and innovative ways to help portray them in a powerful sense. With this journal. Bloom displays high quality production values, exquisite graphic design and photography and writing that is sharp as well as entertaining. There are many reasons as to why consumers buy this.
Each issue has a main focus which contains thought provoking, relevant editorials about the area's people, art, culture, entertainment, homes, gardens, food, wine, health, fitness and family life. This is an extremely powerful and impactful magazine.
My tutor was intact the person who told me to look into these as he explained I would be able to use the garden/home images as inspiration for my own collection and theories so this is why I began looking into these.

The first issue I looked into was; Bloom - a horticultural view   CELEBRATION
Issue 11

Within this issue I was drawn to the different kind, the different sized and the colours within the flowers. these act as a pleasing viewing point and draw you into each image. The blend in flowers along with the whole aesthetic is what is so pleasing and engaging. This makes me want to look into flowers in more depth. I found that these images were extremely powerful and help to support the whole aspect of what the service will be about as this is innovative and they have been photographed in a different manner allowing focus upon certain areas or patterns to then be made. With being so intrigued by this issue this then made me want to go and research into this further and look at other issues and see what they can offer to my service and my planning of my designs.

Bloom - a horti cultural view  UNIQUE
issue 13

 This is the second issue i came across. I was draw to this issue for a completely different reason this is because of the bright colours, the high saturation and the unique presentation of the flowers. This allows them to be presented through the use of inks, real life flowers, imagery and in their own habitat of a vase which makes this more engaging and modern which is exactly what I hope for with my service that I am providing. This issue has allowed me to become aware of what colours stand out from the crowd and what makes the consumer tick and how they can be drawn in through the use of colour. This is a key technique that i will maintain and research into at a later stage to ensure that I select the right colours and flowers.
With this issue, i have also found that this allowed the imagery to speak out and allow the audience to become engaged and intrigued by the unique and creative layout and the way they present themselves with this power. This is what I want to also add to my service. As this is so, i will bare this style in mind and continue to browse through more issues.

Bloom - a horti cultural view  BLOOMSBURY
issue 12

This is yet another set from another journal issue that stood out to me. With this set of images i found that these were extremely powerful due to the unusual presentation and set up of the flowers. This makes this extremely intriguing and exciting whilst also holding that hint of confusion as the audience tries to picture how they have been placed together and portrayed in such an innovative way. This set is exactly what I would like to offer Selfridges as a brand. These flowers are exciting, they are modern, they are also very different to the normal flowers that can be found within a florist which would allow the brands name along with their products to stand out from the crowd. This would make them a one off and allow the consumers to be drawn in to the unusual display of the flowers. The images and how they have been taken makes the flowers come to life, they are more than just a flower, they have a story and depth behind them which makes them even more intriguing and new. With the angle shots also being unusual this makes the audience question which part of the flower this is which makes them more involved and get them talking and thinking about the flower which makes them stand out. This is something I would really like the Selfridges flower service to hold. The contrast from the background to the hints of colour is another technique which makes these so successful and current which could boost sales. This has been my favourite so far so when it comes to planning my own photoshoot and hand selecting the flowers to take the images of, i will try and think of the most appealing and modernised ones.
I will now still continue to look into other issues of Bloom magazine to try and find more inspiration that will be able to motivation and add drive behind my idea and boost me along to make more progress.

Bloom - a horti cultural view  TICTORIAL
Issue 20

This issue stood out to me when browsing through due to the blurred effect of the paintings. I know my service is not going to specialise in the painting section however, i found that the blend in all the colour is aesthetically pleasing. Within this a palette has been used and stuck to which means that they all coincide and compliment one another. This is something that I need to focus on so that they look as though they are then meant to act as a unit.

Bloom - a horti cultural view   SYMBOLISM
Issue 08

This is the last Bloom journal of the day. This again stood out for me for another reason. This was due to the simplicity behind the images yet they still contain a lot of depth and substance portraying them in a separate way. This presents them in their content, presenting them in a powerfully pleasing way which draws the consumer in. This identifies the textures and the creases in the flowers and makes these more appealing and engaging making the consumer know more about the flower. This makes the depth seem more interesting and intriguing becoming more pleasing and aesthetically pleasing. The colours are the main point of focus within this issue.

As a whole, I am happy with the findings from these journals as they have allowed me to become more aware of colour palettes within the flower industry, to identify the flowers in their creative presentation and to also define what it is i wish to get from my own set of images which I am still yet to take. This has allowed me to gain an understanding and a lot of inspiration for my own ideas which I will now try and go into.

One major issue that has come from this that they could also be placed onto canvas, they would look slightly 3D but this is again something I will consider.

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