Monday 17 February 2014

Selfridges Brand Identity/ Image/ Style

The Logo that Selfridges have supported is known across the whole world. This has become a well established department store used by many for different reason. With the logo, this has introduced a simple style that is easily recognised. This is clever as many will always remember this. The style that the logo has is key making this easily legible and visible whether this be in store, on forms of promotion of just by the public eye. This is bold and makes a statement which has connotations that they really do mean business and want to stand out from the crowd. With this logo, i need to ensure that when creating my own forms of promotion for the flower  counter within the Selfridges store that this is easily recognisable and placed within to promote which brand I have created this new service for. This will show the expansion of the brand which will reinforce how they are willing and wanting to grow. This logo is what makes the brand so innovative and unique and the name of the brand is what draws in the consumers so again, this needs to be reinforced and clear when it comes to my development stages of work.

The colour the brand Selfridges have used is what makes this so popular and easily recognised as they have created their own vision and transferred this into everything they belief in and everything they create. This is what makes the brand so significant within society as they try to make everything coincide and link together to allow a clear image to be presented to the public eye. By doing this, this means that whenever the public see the colours yellow and black they will think of the brand. This has been cleverly thought about which will then drive the consumer to then search for or even visit a store. With the repetition this allows a pattern to also then be created and allows this style to be unique to Selfridges. The simplicity and the careful selection is what makes the brand so successful. With the connotation of the yellow this implies that you will always receive a happy shopping experience within Selfridges which encourages consumers to shop there. With the colour being so striking and bold this is what draws the consumer in along with their highly established rate of success. Colour is key, this is why when i am presenting this new service this is something i need to think about, whether this is a key feature or not these colours will need to be present to allow that connection. This supports the authentic style they have maintained and will continue to maintain throughout the years.

The presence that the brand of Selfridges has is power, classic success. This is what makes the aura of the brands name and the style so striking. This is something that I will again need to maintain and transfer within my designs.

In store is another way that Selfridges has achieved an identity as they have their own unique and quite funky layouts which is another reason and another way in which they attract their customers. This is where i will need to select my key stores which bring in the most profit and have a look into their layouts and their interior to make a decision on how this will be presented. As i will be starting in the bigger stores i will need to look into the likes of Manchester (city centre), Birmingham and London and then work my way down to see if there are any other major stores in other cities. The store layouts are key as this is how you make the consumer feel at home, feel welcomed and allow them to freely browse through in their own time. This needs to be simple yet also aesthetically pleasing for the consumer so this is thought about before placing areas in. A theme needs to be maintained which will differ in each store so i will need to ensure this is recognised and thought about before designing my outcome.

Another key identification for the brand of Selfridges is forms of promotion, this allows the consumers whether this be new or existing to become aware of new developments or expansions that the brand are directing in which is key. This is whether they can target their consumers for whatever reason and allow consumers to be contacted in some form of another. This is simplistic which is carried out through the message Selfridges express which allows a connection at all times. This ensures that the promotion is easily legible and understood which allows focus to be placed onto the style of the brand and also the image they create for themselves. As a brand they focus on above and below the line techniques which is what makes this brand so successful as they cover all forms to express their new area/product/service in some way.
Key forms of promotion for Selfridges include;
Digital Means
Taxi's Buses
Social Media
Direct Mail
Visual Merchandising
Visual in store
On the doors of Selfridges stores

These are all ways in which they target their consumer which means that there is a lot of selection due to their higher budget that they have to experiment with this. With this being so, this means i will need to go through them and select the best means for my idea and select a consumers and try and branch out and express this new service.

Staff, consumers, departments within the store are other means that express the brands identity, the image they maintain and also the service and the style they portray and express. This is what makes Selfridges as a brand so successful and powerful within the society of today. With this being so, i need to be remember all of this for when it comes to acting out my service plan.

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