Monday 24 February 2014

Additional Layout Ideas

In addition to the previous layout idea, I researched bait further into the whole Selfridges style and the promotion that they present their consumers with and I came across this. This is a flyer that was given out to the customers which supports a humorous style which is easily legible yet clinical whilst maintain a bold statement which allows this flyer to stand out. This shows how Selfridges like to appeal to their audience, they want to add excitement and humour to allow consumers to remember what they have read or been given. This will be successful due to the language and the whole presentation of the design.
With this design, I found that the combination of the type with the outlines allows the significance of the type to stand out and become more noticeable. This is again another technique that Selfridges are known for which is what I could then add to my design to create a boarder. Also, with pages like these, they would come every so often within the pieces to support how they are key and important to the style in which i am going for. However, with there being quite a lot of text on the page this might be hard but it is a style that would work and would help to support the brand due to the colour and the bold aesthetics that they have.

Another format that I thought could work would be to place this as an interactive point and allow each slide/page of text to support a different style but maintaining that template look. This is something that you would have to experiment with and see if this becomes appealing or not.

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