Thursday 20 February 2014

More WGSN Sourced Imagery

Another useful source of research that I found  whilst browsing on WGSN was frosted floral printed downloads. This places flowers in a blurred sense and makes the overall aesthetics unknown and a little hard to understand allowing the viewer to come to their own conclusion on the piece and work from there. This adds as a successful and positive form of research for me as this places the floral trend in an innovative way which is what I wish to do with my service for Selfridges. When looking at the images I believed I could use this as a source of inspiration to guide me through the project and determine ways in which I go with my own idea.

 This is the first set that i came across. I found that the beauty of the floral trend comes from within, they are displayed in an unusual way which then needs you to make this clear inside of your mind. The mix of colour along the the sense of confusion is what makes these designs so pretty and catching to the eye. This is again something I wish to carry forward within my designs. I was drawn to the first image in particular with it being placed into a vase making it seem like a magnifying glass. This again is original and is something I can then take away from this.
Overall I was pleased with my findings and will use this as positive inspiration in terms of technique, arrangement and colours.

This is the second set of images that also stood out to myself when I was carrying out my research. This set more so stood out to me due to its unique sense of style. The blurriness, the arrangement and the whole visible aesthetically pleasing approach taken drawn myself in immediately. The reason why I was drawn in most was due to the ice cubed styled image. This stood out to me as it is something I have never seen before. It is extremely different and could act as an amazing centre piece or ornament within a house. With being drawn to this factor so much, i will make note of this idea and try and see if i can imitate this myself at a later stage when my whole design and development stage begins. For now, I am going to continue to research into imagery to allow myself to get a further understanding and knowledge within the florist industry and try and find the most innovative and shocking approaches that  would make a consumer want to make a purchase at the stall over anywhere else.

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