Wednesday 19 February 2014


In terms of this product/service i am providing the consumers with for Selfridges I need to try and come to terms with why it is that I have gone into this field, into this product area over any other. This means that I need to determine whether my product is needed, wanted or desired. With expanding the brand into a whole new innovative direction this means that it is not needed as such as the brand/company are doing fine without the service. They are making a substantial profit each day and expanding on their target customers each day which shows that the brand has such a high success rate. This is what makes the brand so recognisable to date which proves how they have become well known due to their originality. As this is so, this is the reason why I chose to go down this area with the expansion and the hype focusing around the florist industry and with the floral trends being popular and highly demanded.

With this service, I would say that it is wanted due to the brand not having this service already. The reasons why I can state that this is wanted is due to the fact that there would then be no need or no reason for consumers to shop elsewhere, they would then be able to pick up whatever they needed in store and even become distracted by the new feature. It is wanted to bring in a new consumer and to also identify how they are keeping up with the times and are ahead of their competitors giving them a reason to stand out having that edge and being that little bit intron showing how they have done research into this area, into this market.

Additionally, I also believe that this product/service is desired by the brand and also by the consumers due to them having confectionary with chocolates, spirits, food, cakes it seems to be that there is something missing and this new service that I am providing for Selfridges not only helps to expand on the brand but it also helps to support and coincide what they already have to offer allowing all of the areas to link together and bering the ideal gift, purchase. This could be wished for by the consumer and by the brand giving a new spin on the brand and again supporting that edgy style, that unique one off designs allows these to feature within there homes allowing them to be proud of their setup. This would act as an attractive design, and would change the course of action and change the way and the reasons why consumers are looking to shop at Selfridges.

In conclusion, I believe that the service for Selfridges is both desired and wanted. The two together supports the positive outlook as to why I will continue to go ahead with my proposed idea and hope that I can pull this off and allow this to become success and maybe/hopefully Selfridges could then go into this direction in the future.

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