Monday 24 February 2014

Initial thoughts for Layout Ideas

With this campaign, as well as producing visual designs we are also asked to produce a dissertation to go alongside this to coincide what has already been designed. This is where we express what is going on with the service, how it works and why it is beneficial to the company. With this being so, I want to present this in a creative manner to support the style that the brand work in.

Selfridges as a brand is simplistic, held back yet so sophisticated and chic that it draws you in and allows you to see the elegance behind the brand. This reinforces the style that the brand have managed to maintain over the years gripping the audience. The brand lacks colour and usually focuses upon the black and the yellow these being known to represent that brand. With this being so, I am unsure whether to stick to this completely or try and steer away from this portraying how this is a whole new venture into a new product area for the brand. This would then allow me to design this anyway possible. However, to firstly get an image of the brand I am going to look into the ways in which they currently present themselves and work from this.

When I was looking for ways that Selfridges promote, I found that the website was a key idea and I could create a template where all the text would go and work from this. This would then support the brand and would link back to the style and the image that they have created. This is going to be considered as one of my possibilities. This would imitate the style that the brand already have and would work around this adding the new floristry tab and presenting this as a contents page which would state each bit of content as if you were shopping online for this. This would be beneficial to the brands style.

Here is another style that stood out to me also. This is from their blog/style page. This stands out from there original style due to the use of colour and the collaged magazine effect that comes with this. This could be a unique style that represents what the floristry section is about and would again draw in a whole new consumer which is what my aim is. This would help to do so by keeping this an innovative and exciting on the eye as possible. The combination of the text and the images is what makes this so appealing so this is again another technique that I could add within my layout. I believe that a new spin could be really successful in terms of creativity due to the florist idea being new, this could mean that by supporting a new style and image means that this is something that needs to stand out and could change your perspective on the store. I will continue to look for more inspiration ideas.

This is an advertisement used by Selfridges stores to support the make up collection they provide. The reason why I am presenting this image is due to the style and the simple layout that this holds whilst supporting that luxury, classical aesthetically pleasing presentation. This is easily legible and although this is very text heavy the imagery used distracts this. So, I was thinking that i could place my flower images onto the same page as the type and help this add to the creative touch. I was drawn to this poster design due to the simplicity and the overall clinical style that this holds. This is easily linked back to the style that Selfridges takes which makes this even more interesting and intriguing. The bold text draws you in and you are then lead around page making sure that you then take all of the content in. This is what makes this so successful. With this being so, I will also bare these techniques in mind and see what else I can come across before making a final decision on layouts next week.

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