Monday 17 March 2014

Week 9 Timelog

Week 9 of this project has just come to an end which is near enough half way through this campaign. With this being so, for the stage in which I am at I find myself feeling comfortable. I am happy that I have undergone two successful shoots along with designing some forms of promotion along side beginning writing my dissertation. Although I feel happy with the stage I am at, others that I am speaking to are slightly ahead of me which is kind of making my panic. With the writing stage I have written my introduction, smart objective, 5 its and about to begin on the 6P's. This means that I should try and get a move on with this, however, my issue is that I am not very good as the design process so I have been focusing on this to ensure that I get a little head start so that I can then have a full week where I then concentrate on writing which is my aim within the next week.

During this week, I have created and analyse the Campaign and Media plan finding out the budget and costs for each and every forms of promotion that this campaign will include, researched into fonts, finalised my logo design, taken my first photoshoot and planned a second which leaves me enough time to analyse this before my interim crit in the next week. I feel as though this week has again been a busy week due to the pressure now picking up with not having much time left within the hand in for all promotional work that wants to be placed into the written dissertation being the 10th April.

Now that a few photoshoots have gone underway this now means that I have pieces to place into promotion meaning I can now focus on this. The first pieces that I will focus on are the social media aspects due to these being so popular and highly demand, especially with the new target customer. As this is so, this along with other forms of research will be my aim within the next week trying to get everything ready for the interim crit with the 3 of my tutors.

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