Thursday 6 March 2014

Colour Psychology Research 1

Colour psychology is the study of colour as a determinant of human behaviour. This explores the colours that humans are drawn to and explains the connotations that these have. This is supported through the investigation over the years which has determined the relationship between the audiences and the colour connotation.
This also depends on the environmental situation along with the psychology behind this. This indicates the preference of others and points out the areas and colours which have the most impact on the society of today.
These charts show the colours that both men and women prefer and dislike. This helps me to understand the colour that I should probably go for in terms of my design. This can involve packaging, promotional methods and general style. However, this will be hard when it comes to the flower because there seems to be every colour. However, I feel as though this has really helped me in understanding what consumers like. This has also pointed out the colours that men and women agree on which could support the colours that I choose to go with.
Also, this has helped to point out the shades and the tints that women and men prefer, this will also be based on the season they are being brought out into.
This is something that I will look into in bait more depth and analyse but from now, they both agree on;
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Red
  • White
And colours such as purple, orange and yellow are differently preferred.

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