Tuesday 4 March 2014

Survey Analysis & Findings

With my survey being active for over 2 weeks now I thought it was the right time to begin concluding the findings. The reason for this is because I have sent this out to as many people as I can think of trying to target all ages to get an average opinion on the service and to determine what it is exactly I should be doing to ensure the consumers are happy.
By concluding the survey this means that I can then evaluate the finding and come to some sort of development stage just before I have my photoshoot. This will help me in terms of direction and allow myself to understand what it is I need to do to try and make this survey as successful and as pleasing as I possibly can. With the service being completely new to the brand I am aware that this needs to stand out and this needs to be advertised in a creative manner to allow the porducts that will be sold there to stand out and be expressed giving off the rigth perception and allowing a connection to be made between the porducts and the consumers.
This survey is my primary source of information and I want to get to terms with what the public think of my idea. I want to see whether they would travel to a Selfridges store just for the products, determine whether they think this would work and if they do what they believe I need to do to achieve this and also just gather general feedback from consumers who may possibly already shop there or consumers who I will be targeting with the re-vamping of the brand.

The survey was made on Survey Monkey due to this being a free service. This allowed myself to create a survey that asked 10 questions which I believed to be enough. The Link for this survey is:


When analysing the survey, I am going to look into each question separately and talk through this to allow myself to understand the findings and make an overall conlcusion of each question. This will hopefully allow myself to have more knowledge on what the consumers wants from this service and give me an idea of what target market are looking into buying flowers.
Looking at the findings from the survey, this concludes that 80 people have filled this out for me. This will allow me to see what the survey average says and make slight judgements and summaries from this.

Question one asked my audience how old they were. The reason why I asked this question was to see what target audience this service would appeal to and try to understand and come to terms with what age range would be interested in the flower service. This would then give me an indication into who it is that is happy shopping as selfridges stores and would like this service to work. On the other hand, this would identify what audience is not however interested in flowers which would again help me.
With the age question this helps to point out also what genera matches the age so this again points out who this is intact appealing to.
From the survey findings, this supports that not many 16-19 year olds filled in this survey. This is possibly due to this not reaching them or this could infact be due to the store not appealing to them. Additionally, majority of the results were filled in but 20-24 years olds as they took a massive 51%. This supports that this could infect be the new up and coming customers for Selfridges.

Question two asked the audience whether they are male of female. The reason behind this is to try and find out which sex is most likely to buy into the flower industry. Also, this indicates how often they buy which is another question later on in the survey which can be paired ad linked together. From the findings presented to me. It is clear that more women have filled this in than men taking up over 76% of the answers. This means that although men are buying flowers, this is not as common. This means that this service would stick out more so to women however, there would be occasional men shoppers who may pop in for a gift. This is good feedback for me as I am going to try and aim this as unisex but it is obvious that flowers stand out more so to women anyway so I can add a feminine touch to some key aspects of the idea.

Question three asks the audience whether they buy flowers regularly whether this be for themselves or another person. By asking this question I wanted to see if although they thought the idea was beneficial would the intact shop there or do they infact follow the flowers through on a regular occurrence. From the findings this suggests that 55% of the people to fill this in do not buy flowers. However 44% of the surveyors do so this is kindly split. This is something that I wanted to ask to see if the idea of a new service could infect sway the consumers into buying products that may not even be flower related as such they could just be ornaments or vases or home decoration such as candles.

Question four focuses on where the consumers seem to be shopping for flowers. The options that are given are; supermarkets, in a florist, online, over the phone, or other. This was asked because I wanted to know whether the people who are interested in buying the flowers travel or whether they do this behind the a computer or whether this be in the comfort of their own home. This question allowed me to know a little more about the consumer this is targeting. The findings suggest that majority of the surveyors shop in a supermarket for their flowers with 71% supporting this method. The florist following this from 37% and online with 15%. This implies that the consumers who shop in a supermarket is more so for the convenience of it being near their home. This is something I will try and change by the service that i am introducing. This is something that I am going to work with and work on.

Question Five focuses more so on when they buy the flowers and whether they are bought for a special occasion or whether this is done spontaneously. From this, it suggests that spontaneous is a method used by the surveyors however, this is not the most popular method. This supports that for birthdays, anniversaries and the likes of valentines day are key. This have given the knowledge on the best time to buy flowers which means that for special occasions the window displays and the flower arrangements and the whole colouring can change. This is something that I need to think about. This is something that can influence the colour palettes, the arrangements and the whole style from the layout. This has helped me in terms of knowing key buying times.

Question six asks the audience whether the would prefer to see flowers in their usual layout being placed in a vase or whether they would be interested in viewing flowers in an innovative way such as in a picture frame, on a broach, for a centre piece, candle holders etc. This was to get an insight into whether the service would be beneficial to be unique and offer new innovative and creative outcomes or wether they believe they should be stripped back and basic as they are. From this, the finding suggest that the audience would be intrigued by seeing flowers in a different way. I am pleased that this was the favoured answer for this as I believe that this would make the brand stand out from all other florists along with other department stores as they would offer original one of designs. As this is so, I am going to stick with this idea and maintain the modern twist on the florist industry.

Question seven asked the consumers whether they have shopped at selridges and what they think of the store. From the findings given, i have only presented a few but they all support the shop and believe that they are happy with what the store offers saying it is a luxury brand. This also supports how they like the store and shop there. This is good for myself as they already shop there which means that they can then be drawn into the new service due to the advertising being presented in the right manner.

Question eight focuses around my survey on it's own. This asks them whether they would find the flower service/counter appealing in the selfridges store and whether they would shop there and if they believe this would stand out. From the finding this suggests that majority of the people who filled this in, this being 62% said they think this would be successful. This is a sigh of relief as I want to make this as successful as possible. Whilst this is also happening I would like this to link back to the luxury lifestyle that the brand support having a sophisticated and chic style. As they believe this will stand out, this is good feedback.

Question Nine is an open response question. This focuses on asking the surveyors whether this think this would be successful and make the brand of Selfridges a profit. The reason why I asked this question was although they may seem to like the idea I wanted to know whether they believe this would be a success rather than a failure. Some of the responses that I have acquired read; ' yes as long as they are current and trendy', 'if the flowers were unique in their arrangement and ideas it would be successful', 'as long as it is not too overpriced'. With this being so the main areas that I need to focus on are the uniqueness of the products along with the arrangement, they need to be striking and engage the consumer and want to leave a mark on the consumers mind. Also, pricing is a key factor. This is something that closer to the design time I will need to think out and try and determine what this will be. Like the consumers have said Selfridges is a luxury brand but if the flowers are too overpriced then this could potentially stop the consumers from shopping there. This needs to be something I look at strongly.

The tenth and final question from the survey asks whether they would visit a Selfridges store just for the new service that is going to be launched. The reason why I wanted to ask tho question was to see whether people would be willing to travel just for the service. This would then be able to determine how highly demanded this would then be. When looking over the findings from this survey this suggests that 56% would not travel to a Selfridges store just for this service. However, 43% would. This would all depend on what they are looking for. This all links in with the forms of promotion because if one stands out they would be willing to travel there. This all depends on the product.

Overall, I am pleased with the findings from this survey and I believe they will help and encourage me in all the decisions I make for this service. 

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