Wednesday 5 March 2014

The Social Media Marketing Book Notes - Dan Zarrella

When reading through this book I found that It was extremely beneficial as it allowed myself to become more aware of what is key within social media and how the market works. This helps to determine the direction in which I need to go If I want to achieve a successful and professional outlook on my service this will mean that I need to take all points in and analyse this carefully.

Key Points that stood out to be include;

PAGE 1: " More than 250 million people are active Facebook users. More than 346 million people read blogs, and 184 million people are bloggers themselves. Twitter has more than 14 million registered users, and YouTube claims more than 100 million viewers per month. More consumers are connected than ever before, and every second your company is not engaging them in social media is a wasted opportunity." 
This quote supports how social media is vast becoming a key detailed part of society which means that it will be necessary for the brand to make a page that posts on this regularly and allows the consumer to become aware of the changes that are being made by the brand. This reinforces the importance within this area.

PAGE1: "Social Media is best defined in the context of the previous industrial media paradigm. Traditional media, such as television, newspapers, radio, and magazines, are one-way , static broadcast technologies"
This again reinforces the importance and shows the different ways in which you can contact the consumer. This has made it clear to myself that no matter what, I will then create a page for the service in which I am supporting.

PAGE 3: "New web technologies have made it easy for anyone to create- and, most importantly-distribute their own content. A blog post, tweet, or YouTube"
This has allowed companies to all jump on board to try and target all of the consumers in which they want to. This is a nation wide site which means that the more publicity for the brand the better.

PAGE 8: "Whether you are part of a small, medium, or giant business, or are an individual entrepreneur, your customers are getting social media, and there's no reason you shouldn't be,too."

PAGE 9: "Every company with a website should have a blog that speak to it's current and potential customers as real people." 
This identifies the importance of the blogging within each brand. This is because they keep the consumer intrigued and place this into an ongoing site that keeps the consumer aware of what is going on with new products etc.

PAGE 30: " Pick and niche you can own, stay away from crowded areas, and bring your unique voice. Get a good design, without one, you'll find it hard to be taken seriously. Establish a consistent habit of regular posting, and stick to it. Mix up content types and add multimedia."

PAGE 31: "Most companies should be on Twitter; it's easy, requires very little investment of time, and can quickly prove worthwhile in increased buzz, sales, and consumer insight. You can use Twitter to announce offers or events, promote new blog posts, or keep your readers in the know with links to important new stories."

PAGE 45: " Between 11:00a.m and 6:00p.m is EST is the most popular time for retweeting"
"Most retweets contain a link, many more than nonretweet updates."

PAGE 76: "Social networks allow you to build direct and personal relationships with the consumer"
"People should have profiles; companies should have pages"
"Know your audience and selection the social networks where they can be found"
"Don't excessively use public or private messaging system(spam)"
"Offer content that is exclusive to social networks, and don't get rebuild you website"

PAGE 112: "The best time to submit your content is 22 hours before you want it to go popular, typically early in the morning"

PAGE 131: "Users are already talking about your products, services, and brand online whether you're involved in the conversation or not, so you might as well join in the discussion."

PAGE 187: " Whether you're a local business or an international brand, chances are good that people are already talking about you on the Web.  Key tools to identify this can be found as Technorati search, Icerocket blog search, Google news search, Twitter search, Google video search, Digg search, board, board, social, redditsearch, back type blog comment search"

PAGE 207: "The most important thing you can measure as a marketer is our return on investment, or how much money your efforts are contributing to your business. Is the cost of your investment in social media outweighed by the value it is providing?"

PAGE 208: "Google Analytics' engagement metrics indicate how engaged people are when they come to your site"

PAGE 217: "The most important metic for media-sharing sites is retry straightforward: how many people viewed your image, presentation or video."

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