Friday 7 March 2014

More Creative Layout Ideas

Although this is not presented in a sophisticated sense I believe that this outlook would be appropriate for the way in which the dissertation could be laid out. The use of images along the bottom of the page could consist of the creative outlook on the flowers allowing the audience to visually analyse what they would look like having an insight into all the products and elements that the new service would be offering the consumer and also the brand of Selfridges. The use of image in a small manner gives them a hint of what will be available. This could possible entice the audience into the knowing more about the service and hopefully keep reading on.

This was a style that I found would work for the brand due to this being clinical and simplistic yet easily legible with the type being all different sizes. Another reason why I found myself being drawn to this style is because of the delicate and pastel colours, this was not too harsh on the eyes of the viewer which is something I wish to carry through with my design ideas.
The different types used and the different size of types used along with colours is a method that I wish to carry forward with my designs due to this acting as a pleasing outcome. In addition this this, there would be pages that I add with just imagery to allow the designs to be focused on showing the beauty of what this service will include showing how this will have an effect on a consumer lifestyle, leaving them wanting to become part of the brand and buying products from the Flower Service.

This layout stood out to be due to the hints of colour, with this being basic and simple this allows other elements to stand out drawing attention to the main features. This is again something that I would consider using. I would also use the colour yellow to allow the brand connotation and assets to remain the same.

The two designs are the designs that caught my attention the most. This is due to the high level of sophistication that is within the designs to allow the high level, premium brand of Selfridges to speak out. I found this style of layout to be so sophisticated and appropriate and the overall style is something that would and could be seen to support the brand. The use of the bigger types along with the combination of the images allows this piece to become aesthetically pleasing and unique. Although this is appropriate and pleasing on the eye, this is the style that the brand of Selfridges would go for today as a brand, this means that this does not link in with the modern aspects. However, i could carry some apestcs forward and then add a new twist onto this.

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