Monday 3 March 2014

Pretty Little Thing Talk Notes - Digital Marketing

During class time, my tutor had arranged for a talk to be set from a previous Missguided employee who now works for Pretty Little Thing. This talk was extremely beneficial for giving us some facts and knowledge on digital marketing. Here are some notes I made from the talk that I think should be able to guide me and help me along my development process.

  • Campaign goals and tracking are key - you need to ask yourself what are you trying to achieve? through campaign how will you know what/when this is achieved?
  • Stronger forms of promotion are showcased towards the middle of the month due to people being paid soon.
  • The last week of the month there seems to be a push for promotion with payday fast approaching. This is strategic planning and persuasion which can help the consumer to make orders.

  • Target consumers can be supported through the use of Google Analyitics. This can give information on Facebook, Data in general and Mintel.
  • When designing and formatting this you need to consider the convent and the engagement strategies to allow this service to come to life and stand out from the crowd.
  • Need to examine current customer behaviour and see whether your service can apply to this or are you then bringing a whole new consumer into the brand.
  • Competitors offer - what can they offer their consumer. How are you going to over come them being a threat to the service? can you test this out?
  • Offers allow consumers to feel as though they are willing to spend more money so these need or should be considered.
  • The site and social means need to always integrate.

  • You should only post on social between 5-7 times a day
  • First thing in the morning and last thing of a night are the best time to catch peoples attention - coming in from college, work.
  • Plan out a day in the life of the consumer and you will become aware of the best times that you will contact your consumers.
  • Mobile is becoming a key factor within society - tracking! social, website, email.
  • 3 emails a week based on the consumers lifestyle is plenty ( Sunday is the best day to send out as majority of consumers check in over the weekend to see what they have missed)

  • Budgeting and measuring - How much budget do you have? Look to Google analytics, email platforms, 3rd part reports, google trends.

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