Thursday 6 March 2014

Icon/Logo/Strap line Research

I want to begin by looking into Selfridges existing logo and identify if they have looked into using strap lines previous to this. Then i will look into other brands and see if I can take anything from this and then add this to the service in which I am providing.
By looking into Selfridges existing logo designs along with any strap lines this will link back to their style that they try and maintain and then I can make a decision whether to stick with the same style or try and be extravagant and steer away from the existing style and create a new innovative one.

This logo is the one and only existing logo that the brand has. This is the logo that everybody knows for the brand by and this is how they recognise the brand. The use of the colours black and yellow along with the simplistic bold font is what makes the brand so successfully pleasing. The two colours compliment one another and allow each element of the logo to stand out and become noticed. This means that as soon as the consumer sees the two colours together, they automatically think of this brand due to the highly vibrant background which contrasts from the subdued black typography.
Over the years, Selfridges have no tried to modernise this or add anything to this as they feel as a brand that this has become well established and already extremely popular. With this being so, there is not added strap line or icon that comes with this. However, this could be something that I introduce within my service? However, I still need to analyse what it is that they have already done before I begin my design process.

Although Selfridges do not have a strap line or an icon they have however, placed these short one lined strap lines around the store to indicate sale and in general means. This has added to the simplicity of the brand as the same style and effect over the consumer has been maintained. By adding this around the stores this has allowed something new and chic to be added to the whole shopping experience.
This is something that I need to consider, do i keep it simple or do I try and make this stand out as a whole new service?
With the use of the red and white, this draws attention to the sign due to this not being the usual colour that is used within the stores style. The consumer is used to seeing yellow, as this is so, they are now aware that this must be important and a new direction as it catches the eye. This is something I will look into more when I begin research into colour psychology.

This is all that I found in terms of research within the logo and strap line front which means that this is very simplistic and held back in terms of development. This leaves me a few options, I can either link on from what they have already created and maintain that same simplistic style, or I can create a whole new style, this means I will now look at creative logo designs in general and then make a decision from this.

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