Thursday 13 March 2014

Development on Logo and Colour Palette

Here I experimented with a variety of different font types to analyse and determine which one looks the most appropriate when placed next to the existing 'Selfridges&Co' Logo. This was experimented with to allow the best possible logo o be designed to promote the flower service showing how this is a rand extension from the existing retailer of Selfridges. With this being so,I experimented with a variety of colours and types to see which was the most beneficial and sophisticated linking back to that luxury style that the brand has and beholds. With this being so I found that some fonts worked better than others as did some of the colours that there used. The reason why colours were experimented with was to see if there was a possibility of brining in a a new colour to the brand which would support that the extension me ants business but also linked to to the colours. However, as this was so, this pointed out that this did not work as successfully as I would of liked and that this turned the brand into a cheap looking retailer which is something that I did not want.
With this being so, there would be no use of added colours into the brand keeping this white and simple would allow the brands style and image to coincide with what they already have. This allows the luxury style and aesthetics to be passed over linking the two together.

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