Monday 17 March 2014

Photoshoot 2 Plan

With another photo shoot being held within the next day I find that it is better to organise a plan and come to terms with what is going to be photographed along with what the aims and objective of the shoot are going to be. With this being so, I want to have a plan of action for the day to allow the photographer, in this case, Dave Schofield, an in house photographer for my university is again going to take the image for me as he has an eye for a good picture.

With this service launching in June 2015, this is the prime time for flower purchasing due to the summer period. As this is so, this will focus on the brighter coloured flowers to enhance the vibes felt within this stage.

Key areas that I am wanting to focus on include;

  • grouping the flowers together. This was done in the first photoshoot and I am pleased with the out come of the images. This gives the audience an idea of what flowers are available bunching them together giving off that unique feel. Additionally, this would help to be placed into a catalogue/brochure form to show the flowers in that sense. This is the reason as to why I want them photographed in that way.
  • Singular shots. This is to allow the textures and the overall aesthetics and raw emotion to be passed through the consumer and showing the pleasant flower in such way.
  • Accessories such as vases, candles, holder, cups etc will be used to reinforce how the flower service does not only sell flowers they sell the products to support these factors too.
  • Positioning and placements of the flowers will be key to reinforce the luxury brands new style and approach to becoming part of the flower industry.
  • Colour will be key. The brighter and pleasant the better. Pinks, yellows, reds, purples, whites.
This is the plan for the shoot, so if this all goes accordingly, i believe this will produce a successful outcome.

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