Monday 31 March 2014

Week 11 Timelog

With the weeks slowly creeping up on me I am now starting to feel the pressure of this whole campaign. However, I have finally finished all the writing with adding the finishing touches to the abstract, methodology, literature review and conclusion with a SWOT analysis so this has made me happy that I now have 9 days to completely design all forms of promotion that are left and make a good start on the layout leaving me plenty of time.

During this past week I have been able to cross off more than expected from my To-do-list. With researching into the uniform, bags and swing tags I now feel more confident with the instore promotion. This along with the help of the price list will allow consumers to feel comfortable within the store and find out who to speak to along with the pricing of the items easily.

In addition, with finalising the campaign design I again feel like I am on track, The forms of promotion that have been completed this week include the flyer and the gift card which only leaves me a few more outcomes to complete for the written dissertation.

Durign the next week, I need to find some other forms of inspiration from a variety of sources, find appropriate mock ups to place the promotional methods into, and begin the layout for the dissertation finishing all customer profile boards and other mood boards to ensure that I have a few days leeway to print out my work. This means that I need to get on with this work and ensure that I am focused and ready for a busy week ahead.

Saturday 29 March 2014

Pinterest Images

To allow further in depth images to be used throughout the campaign I looked into Pinterest as a source of inspiration which showcases exactly that I want the service to look like visually with the products. The reason why I looked into Pinterest was to add that hint of luxury to the promotional pieces allowing someone else's images along with the use of my images to coincide one another and allow all the features to stand out.

Key images that caught my attention on Pinterest were;

The reason why these images stood out to me is due to their luxury aesthetics along with the delicacy that these hold. The variation in colour, arrangements and the mood the the flowers are also key. With these images I have collected these to ensure that there are added into the campaign in some way or another whether this be within the written elements or on the promotion with these being strong images these are something that I wish to include.
These will be credited at a later stage to show how they have helped and inspired me in my direction for this campaign to allow the service to shine through with the use of the flowers and the context they are placed within.

Friday 28 March 2014

Promotion for dissertation/campaign

To give myself some forms of plan and to allow myself to become organised I need to think of the forms of promotion that I want to be present within the written dissertation to give myself deadlines. I would love all forms of promotion to be present, however, that is unrealistic and would not be able to be done.

With this being so, the forms of promotion I will design for the dissertation include;

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Website
  • Flyer
  • Tear away Voucher
  • Price List
  • Gift Card
  • Swing Tags
  • Customer Profile Boards
  • Moodboard for Pop up stall/Counter
This then leaves me;
  • Actual design for the service
  • Leaflet
  • Bags
  • Taxi Advertisments
  • Catalogue
  • Business Cards
  • Window Display
  • Customer book
  • Adshel
  • Uniform
  • Magazine Feature
  • Mail Out
  • Brand Identity Page
  • Assets Pages
  • Press Pack?
The reason why I am only adding so little into the dissertation is due to only wanting to give a hint into what the dissertation will include. Every other form of promotion for this service will be created after the dissertation is written and laid out. Some of these forms of promotion will be easier than others for example, the adshel, taxi advertisement and the business cards will be simplistic. Whereas, the counter design along with the catalogue and window display may be quite difficult to produce. However, there will be time to create all of these forms of promotion.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Price List - Strategy

A key form of promotion that needs to be designed for this service is a price list. This is due to this being a luxury brand and consumers would want to know how much the products that there are drawn to cost before heading to the till to find out the price of the items. The benefits of the price list is to showcase the difference in the price with or without the flowers to allow the consumer to see the difference and see what they can and cannot afford. With the new target consumer being a younger aged than usual - this being 18-30 this needs to fit in with their lifestyle to allow them to actively buy items from the service giving them a hint of the luxury lifestyle whilst adding a further touch to their home.
However, this also needs to coincide with the products that Selfridges have to offer as the flowers will literally just be implemented into these. This will ensure that the products are kept within the house and looked after allowing the consumer to understand that they are getting what they pay for.

This make me then go and look at the pricing for Selfridges products and comparing these with competitor which then make it clear how much each items would be allowed to be charged. Here are the price lists below;

With the first price list, the left column shows the price without flowers and the right with flowers showing a change in price due to the cost of the flowers. This is something that was all about strategy and planning due to having to look into competitors prices and then determining the cost of the items within the flower service. As I am now happy with this, I can now move onto further promotional methods.

Photoshoot Plan 3

With this being the third shoot that I am taking I feel as though I want this to be different that the other two that have already happened. I am going to use Jo Malone promotion for my inspiration to try out different arrangements and positionings of the flowers to allow the focus to be on a certain flower. The use of cropping along with white space and rule of thirds will also feature within the images from this shoot to spice up the images giving them more definition in certain areas. This is something that will allow the flowers to stand out from the crowd.

This third shoot aims to be the most sophisticated one yet focusing on the key details along the the textures of the flowers to allow them to be sold to the consumer instantly as they will feel the message of the luxury products. The key indicator for this shoot is that the lighting needs to be crisp and bright due to the shadow that has been present within the other shoots. This means that this cannot be used due to drawing attention away from the flowers to the backdrop.

For this shoot this will feature the flowers being shot singularly, within bouquets, grouping certain flowers together, placing the flowers into accessories, random placing the flowers down and in-depth planning of the flowers placing them together to allow an effect to be present within the flowers. This will allow that sense of innovative and creativity to be present showing how the flowers are key and will bring the brand of Selfridges to life again giving the consumers something that no one else at the minute is offering.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

New Smart Objectives

2.0 Smart Objectives

·       This service will expand on the brands product area, which will allow Selfridges to venture into the floristry market being a step ahead and offering a service that competitors within this level do not.
·       The whole campaign will allow further recognition by increasing awareness for those who did not know of the brand. This service will specifically create a stronger presence allowing the brand to attract new customers.
·       A different perspective of flowers will be given allowing the audience to view these in innovative ways which will make them have added value and meaning making these personal. This will personify their existence within a home surrounding acting as a finishing touch.
By implementing trends into the service this links the whole department together showing how they will be style focused. This will display how the brand keeps their image current and modern.
·       Increase sales for the brand adding further profits for Selfridges stores.
·       Modernising and uniquely putting a spin on flower portrayal and home decoration along with accessories and gifts increasing social awareness within this area.
·       This service can add to the other luxury lines they have keeping the continuity with their sophisticated style and authority.

·       With this being available both online and in store this will mean that there will be many ways in which the success can be measured. Online measuring would be through the use of stats from social followers and social encounters along with the page likes and comments. This will address if the service is a successful hit with the public. Also, website views and purchases. Tracking from mail out openers along with report stats showing profits for this department will help to express the success rate. In store measurements could be measured through the promotional codes, QR Codes and through sales by analysing the profits made from the service alone.
·       A survey would be created for customer perception of the brand products and gifts sold within the store over a 6 month period. When doing so, this would measure which products are the most successful and most popular.
·       The expansion success could be determined from sales within this department along with the help from shared recommendations of others.
·       With Selfridges being a popular high-end department store that is recognised worldwide and aimed at the designer market this means that they have the budget to experiment with this service and try and bring new life to the brand encouraging custom from a new target customer. This also means that they are able to push for a range of promotional methods presenting this to the public on a mass scale, boosts awareness and sales.
·       Majority of the promotional methods for the new flower service will be directed towards below the line strategies to target the right consumer. This will re-vitalise the brand in this sense giving a whole new outlook on Selfridges.
·       This would be thoroughly planned out with months prep to ensure that the right methods are used allowing the brand to maintain that professional, sophisticated brand image. This works well with their brand ethos.
·       With the brand of Selfridges being so unique and innovative this allows the service to coincide with their creativity levels, meaning that this service is realistic in that sense.
·            The products that will be available within the service are home decoration gifts and accessories, which enables a new perception on these products.
·       The official launch date for ‘Selfridges Flower Service’ is late June 2015. The reason behind this is because it’s the most popular period for flower buying along with the summer trends being released. Promotion for the service would begin around March/April this would give the audience little teasers of what is coming soon. This allows the customer watch out for updated hints on social media platforms making them active on the existing Selfridges pages.
·       All aspects of this service would be on a 12-month probationary period to determine the success of the service along with the brands image of this. Within the 12-month period the service will have taken off and drawn a large amount of customers allowing profit to be made. The objective for this would be to maintain that custom and have the main hype around this service.
·       Promotional methods would be a key influence of the success and the accuracy of the service. Social media posts would pick up from April onwards posting regularly to allow consumers to maintain their observations. This is when the first form of online promotion would be displayed e.g. website, mail out and would continue until May. This would build up on all scales to ensure that come June the awareness of the service was spread massively.

·       Come June time near the launch this would rapidly increase and become visible everywhere. both online and in store. This would be available on mass scale to entice the audience allowing them to become drawn to the service hopefully shopping at Selfridges for this reason alone.

Swing Tag Research

In terms of branding the bouquets, the flowers, the home decorations and the flower accessories it is key that this stands out within the products. With this being so, it was then when I thought to design a swing tag which would have the pricing of the good one along with a barcode and the name of the purchase that would be easily legible to allow the consumer to clearly see what the price is along with the products that they have chosen to buy.

There are many different styles of swing tags which is something that I need to look at and get an understanding of. The style that is selected needs to coincide with all the forms of promotion, link to the brand of selfridges whilst also having hints of Jo Malone included within this.

I need to pick a shape that is appropriate and can link back to the brand and the service in the correct manner giving the off the correct luxury message.

In terms of sophistication and classical styling, the second and third swing tag designs stand out to me more so than the rest. This is due to their sense of authenticity and their creativity along with their clinical approach making this pleasing on the eye. As this is so, when it comes to creating the swing tag designs for my service, this is something that I will bare in mind to display to the consumer.

Bag Promotion

A Key form of promotion for his campaign/service is packaging. This is to establish consumers who walk by with this to acknowledge the brand the products were bought from and to determine ways in which to engage consumers. With the packaging technique there are a variety of methods that can support this whether this be a box, a paper bag, a clear plastic bag or even a bunch holder this means that this is something that I will need to design.

The flowers will be placed into either a bag, a fancy bouquet holder or a paper holder that will be thoroughly branded with Selfridges flower service alongside this to ensure that this is advertised at all times. This is another way to allow further customer to come to the stall due to word of mouth and people identifying the brand logo and drawing their attention making sure that they pay the service a visit.

With the photoframes and the vases along with the other accessories such as lighting and wearable fashion pieces a box will need to be designed to allow the products to comfortably sit within these elements to allow them to be carried round in a safe manner. These items will be wrapped in tissue paper first to add another layer of protection.

With this being so, two forms of packaging/ possibly three forms need to be designed. The normal carrier bag, a box and also a paper holder for the flowers along with a possible box for the flowers to sit in. So, when coming to designing these I will bare all of these styles in mind.