Monday 5 May 2014

Week 16 Timelog

Very little work was acted out this week due to this being the hand in week and again the bank holiday so I made sure that I relaxed and enjoyed some time to myself to allow the following weeks to have my full attention as far as work is concerned.

So being totally honest, not a lot was done this week, infact other than the hand in thats all that was done. This meant I was able to go home for the weekend and come back fresh minded.

Within the next week I aim to have all forms of promotion designed leaving me a week to create a creative portfolio along with a score analysis and 2 research along with 2 development boards.

This will then leave me on track for the weeks giving me plenty of overviewing time which will indicate how I have managed my tie correctly which means I will have time to spare to read over and check everything that has been designed.

The next week or two will be the most important which means that all my focus will be centred around this to ensure that the outcomes are the best reaching the best of my ability.

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