Thursday 8 May 2014

Further Promotion Development

During today I managed to finalise the whole catalogue design and ensure that this was then sent to be printed out with all my other tangible items for my stand ready for the hand in within the next week. The reason behind why I sent these off so early on was to ensure that there were no mistakes or if any changes were to be necessary. This was not the case which meant that I would not be able to focus upon the design.

With the catalogue, I found that the images I had taken on my 3 shoots were too grey and no matter which effect I placed onto the images the quality of the shadow was not disappearing and with myself not being an expert on photoshop I did not want this to lower the grade mark so I selected images from the internet.
When creating this I categorised this into sections to make this easier for the consumer to be able to read this. This starts of with the single stem images, follows on to the bouquets and then offers a step by step guide on how to process an order with an easy method later approaching price lists for the catalogue.

These would be given out to consumers with each purchase to showcase how they are advertising what they can offer the consumer. This is purely flower based and within each issue this would focus within a different topic but to begin with this was flower for the first month after the launch date.

The image selected by myself are good quality, non pixelated images to allow the quality of the images to stand out supporting how Selfridges is luxury brand that has become or will hopefully become recognised as a key place to visit.

Following on from this, a Mock up was purchased to try and imitate a taxi. This showcases what the taxis would advertise on behalf of Selfridges asa brand. although this is something that they do not really offer, with this targeting a younger audience I wanted to introduce this.

With all promotion work being complete my intentions for tomorrow are to focus on portfolio layouts.

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