Monday 28 April 2014

Week 15 Timelog

The past week has been a stressful week due to this being the build up of the hand in for the visual final board. This meant that all week I was preparing myself for this deadline making sure that all the finishing touches along with last minute changes and placements were correct.

Within the past week the elements of design that were carried out include;

  • pop up stall design
  • Layout ideas and development of chosen board
Although this seems like very little these were the final to aspects that needed to be completed and finalised to ensure that the outcomes were put into place. The colour technique and the placement is what took the longest. The positioning of each promotional method needed to be placed correctly to allow this to flow. 

Within the week during the 15, the board was complete and I also began planning and initiating what was going to come next in terms of development to allow myself to be ready and prepared for the final hand in deadline. This entailed listing all the promotion left so that I was organised and on track.

I could of probably done a little more during this week but once I had handed in I wanted to give myself some time off over the weekend and with this being bank holiday weekend coming up too I knew I wouldnt get much done so I had a break and relaxed putting my mind at rest ready for when I returned from home to a stressful 9/10 days of working hard for a good degree.

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