Monday 14 April 2014

Week 13 Timelog

Although I said I would have a week off from design elements, I still need to have some form of structure to keep onto of my time management so within the past few days I have spoke to my graphic designer Eunice Flaguel from the same university who is happy to draw my designs for me due to myself not having the same capabilities this means that I have been in touch, sent her further images and asked for her help if she is still willing to do so. With gathering a positive reply the contact between myself and Eunice has been constant and she is happy to help with the drawings and has made a start on these drawings. This has shown me that she is half way through the counter and is going to make a start on the stall. I am extremely happy to have her help and will credit this at a later stage.

I have also found further mock up designs that I would like to use but with this being the easter break and myself going on holiday to Amsterdam on Monday 21st this only leaves me a week so I am going to do as much as possible within this week and then try and leave myself enough time to try and place this all together onto the board template to showcase how I want this to look.

I am happy with what I have achieved within this week, I have relaxed yet also been in constant contact with a graph designer who has assured me she is happy to help with the drawing and from the images sent the quality is professional and would be realistic for the brand of Selfridges. With the deadline for all the visuals being the 1st May this only leaves me around 10 days so I need to get cracking and design what I can within the time scale and leave the rest for the portfolio work. This is what my intentions are for the next upcoming week before I jet off to Amsterdam.

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