Thursday 23 January 2014

Introduction to the Brief

This project is for final campaign and will require myself to focus on all the skills and techniques acquired over my previous years of study. This project is all about research and professional promotion material to try and make something come off the ground. Awareness is key and this is an opportunity to display my capabilities.

This project in itself is a self-directed and self-motivated project that needs to be managed by myself and myself alone. This blog will be used as a log, which will display all my research and the timings of the research to allow myself to flick through and find what is needed.

The initial briefing for this project involves me choosing a fashion/lifestyle/brand related product or service for a particular market level and promote it in the style of my choice paying attention to promotional styles and techniques, which I feel are forward thinking, innovative and appropriate for my chosen idea. Within this I need to consider the development of a totally new concept for the product and the promotional remit.  This is asking for something that is outside of the box, something that is exciting and could might well take off in future years. This has to be realistic and supported by vast amounts of research.

The product I choose should then be discussed with my tutor and agreed with your project tutors to allow the best outcome to come from this idea. For this to happen, I will need to focus on the following areas:
  • ·      Research information, which clearly illustrates project development and market relevance.
  • ·      Customer/lifestyle/brand profile
  • ·      Concept/product development
  • ·      Promotional design development which includes exploration of the appropriate used of media
  • ·      Production of promotional items and presentation of final integrated campaign to include evidence of the use of the 6P’s
  • ·      Final visuals and tangible items

With the brief now being set, it is time for me to look back at the proposal ideas I created during the last project submission and decide whether I want to use one of them or completely think of whole new idea.

All of which, will be supported with this use of a time log on this blog.

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